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Use Of Camera Traps To Discover And Study The Distribution Of Mammalian Fauna In Zannoudji Sacred Forest (south Benin)
Many sacred forests in Benin have never been subject to ecological monitoring. Camera trapping studies were conducted for the first time in the Zannoudji sacred forest, Benin. This study was done to contribute to a better knowledge on spatial and temporal distribution of mammals in this forest. Cameras traps were randomly placed and data collected for 284 camera-days tracking between March 20th, 2019 and June 3rd, 2019. The data collected were stored in an Excel spread sheet and the processing was done using the R 3.5.3 software. Four mammals species: Cricetomys gambianus, Xerus erythropus, Philantomba walteri and Atherurus africanus were captured.
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