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Researchjournali's Journal Of Anthropology
Researchjournali's Journal Of Anthropology - RJOA

Frequency: Monthly Publishing Since: 2015
Current Issue: 28/02/2025 Next Issue: 27/03/2025
Publication Fee: $19
    The Journal of Anthropology publishes scholarly research papers in the field of anthropology and encourages new ideas on existing research. The journal aims to promote the significance of anthropology and provide a forum for researchers across the world.
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Published Research Papers

Effect Of Migration On Infant Mortality Between Migrants And Non - Migrants In Lagos State | Abe J. B.  Okorafor U.  Ikegwu E. M.  Oke S.  Olufolabo A. A.  Obafemi F. O.  Bamidele G.  
In this study, it was observed that among the reported infant mortality from sampled population, about 58.8% died between age 4 weeks and 52 weeks,

Planting And Harvesting Life In Annang Rites Of Passage: Exploration Of Inversion Linkages In Religious Anthropology | John Bosco Ekanem  
One of the main functions of rituals is to inverse status. Rites of passage highlight oppositional relationships of past and present, high and low, male

Studies Of Anthropometric Correlation Between Foot Size And Height In Residents Of Calabar-nigeria | Anozeng O. Igiri  Kebe E. Obeten  Ovaiettah E. Ben  Kelechi C. Uruakpa  Chisom F. Eliakim-Ikechukwu  
The present study is based on the measurement of foot size and height of 1000 subjects (500 males and 500 females) aged 20 to 30

About The Journal

    Researchjournali's Journal Of Anthropology (RJOA) publishes scholarly research papers in the field of anthropology and encourages new ideas on existing research. The journal aims to promote the significance of anthropology and provide a forum for researchers across the world. The journal provides a forum for publication of high quality research papers and emphasizes openness and flexibility.

Benefits For Authors

✓ Subject specific journals
You can publish paper in the wide range of subject specific journals.
✓ Instant paper submission
You get acknowledgment with article id soon after online submission.
✓ Free plagiarism checking
You are assured of quality since all papers undergo plagiarism checking.
✓ $19 onward publication fee
You can publish research paper starting from affordable $19 onwards.
✓ 7 days editorial decision
You receive editorial decision within 7 to 14 days of paper submission.
✓ Retain paper copyright
You retain copyright of research paper and only give license for publication.
✓ Full colour publication
You receive published paper with complete color texts after publication.
✓ Loyalty reward for authors
You can publish third paper free with us and this is for corresponding author.

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