Critical Analysis On How Over Emphasis On Examination Influence Provision Of Quality Education In Secondary Schools In Kenya
The Kenyan society attaches a lot of value to examinations. This is witnessed by over-emphasis of mean score which is used as a measure to rank the academic performance of schools. Teachers have been always under pressure from school administration and parents to ensure students pass their examinations. Any student who does not attain set mean score is regarded as
Critical Analysis On Tectonic Forces Influencing Shift Of Male Chauvinism Among Married Couples In Kenya
Culturally, men have regarded as the authority of family while women are perceived to be quasi partners. However, there have been unprecedented changes which are reversing conditions. The stereotype beliefs which viewed women as under achievers or inferior beings are being proved to be irrelevant in modern times. Women are outsmarting men virtually in all aspects of life (KFE, 2015).