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Benjamin T. Hanyani-Mlambo
University Of Zimbabwe, Department Of Agricultural Economics & Extension, Harare, Zimbabwe
Technical Efficiency Performance Of Metal Fabricating Small To Medium Enterprises In Zimbabwe: Implications For Agricultural Development
SMEs are a fundamental part of the economic fabric in developing countries and they play a crucial role in furthering growth, innovation and prosperity. In Zimbabwe, the SME sector has been reckoned by smallholders; farmers, miners etc. as it supplies intermediate technologies to resource-poor small scale players. This paper employs a stochastic frontier production function and technical inefficiency effects model

Benjamin T. Hanyani-Mlambo
Senior Lecturer, University Of Zimbabwe, Department Of Agricultural Economics, P. O. Box Mp 167, Mt
Profitability Analysis Of Tabasco Chillies Grown By Smallholder Farmers In Nyanga District, Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe
This study analysed the profitability of tabasco chillies production in Nyanga and soci-economic factors impacting on profitability. The study used data collected from a sample of 119 smallholder farmers. Average gross margin per hectare was US$1,215.37. Average GRR and NRR per hectare were estimated at 1.14 and 0.94 respectively. The significant factors having a positive impact on profitability is market

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