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Achoru Afam Mike
Department Of Estate Management, Faculty Of Environmental Sciences, University Of Jos, Pmb 2084, Jos Nigeria
Effective Facilities Management Through Management Information System: A Case Study Of Industrial Training Fund (itf) Building Abuja
Facilities management is concerned with the process by which organizations ensure that their buildings, systems and services support core operations while contributing to the achievement of their strategic objectives under stable business conditions. It focuses on matching limited resources to user needs with a view of securing higher quality, lower risks and value for money. Specifically, it deals

Achoru Afam Mike
Department Of Estate Management, Faculty Of Environmental Sciences, University Of Jos, Pmb 2084, Jos Nigeria
An Appraisal Of The Relationship Between Consumerism And Housing Delivery In Jos Metropolis
Consumerism is defined as a program to promote consumer interest as it relates to continuous consumption of goods. This research work aimed at appraising the relationship between consumerism and housing delivery in Jos metropolis by looking at the consumption rate of houses by capable consumers and the extent to which the construction industry responds to this demand by supplying houses.

Achoru Afam Mike
Department Of Estate Management, Faculty Of Environmental Sciences, University Of Jos, Pmb 2084, Jos Nigeria
A Critical Analysis Of The Practice Of Probate Valuation (a Case Study Of Selected Properties In Enugu State)
Valuation of interest in property has been a long standing one in history. It is as old as creation and it took its genesis from man’s basic ownership and use of property. Valuation is a corner-stone in the real estate profession. It consists of the consideration of the productive rights and benefits of ownership (legal concept) as

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