Impact Of Social Media Usage On Academic Performance; Mediating Role Of Attitude Towards Learning - An Empirical Study Of Private University Students In Ghana
The study assessed the impact of social media on academic performance, the mediating role of attitude towards learning. The study was conducted on a total of 600 students selected from 6 private universities in Ghana out of which 421 responses were useable representing 70.16% response rate. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were adopted in selecting respondents and 7 point likert
The Impact Of Brand Personality On Student Enrolment Intentions: The Mediating Role Of Brand Engagement – Evidence From Ghana
The study assessed the impact of brand personality on student enrolment intentions; the mediating role of brand engagement. The population of the study comprised of students from Christian Service University College in Ghana. 302 students were selected and the total valid questionnaire received for the study was 252 representing 83.44%. Purposive and convenience sampling techniques were adopted in selecting respondents
Effect Of Outsourcing On Competitive Advantage: Mediating Role Of Innovation – An Empirical Study Of Businesses In Ghana
The study investigates the effect of outsourcing on competitive advantage: the mediating role of innovation. 300 businesses that engage in outsourcing in Ghana were selected out of which 231 representing 77% response rate participated. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was done to confirm appropriate variables using Structural Equation Modeling. Data was collected using questionnaires. Purposive and convenient sampling techniques were adopted in
Efffect Of Extended Marketing Mix On Customer Satisfaction In The Ghanaian Banking Sector
The study investigates the effect of extended marketing mix on customer satisfaction in the banking sector of Ghana. 310 bank customers in the Ashanti Region of Ghana were selected out of which 204 representing 65.81% response rate participated. IBM SPSS version 20 was used for the analysis. Data was collected using questionnaires. Purposive and convenient sampling techniques were adopted in
Effect Of Celebrity Endorsement On Consumer Buying Behavior Of Samsung Mobile Phones In Ghana
Celebrity endorsement is a wide spread phenomenon which is used by all business sectors in today’s world. The study focuses on the effect of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behavior. The population of the study comprises of private university students who are users of the SAMSUNG mobile phones in the Kumasi metropolis, Ghana to be precise and are estimated to