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Jackson Ndolo
School Of Business And Human Resource Development, Rongo University, Kenya
Analysis Of Inventory Management Practices And Performance Of Private Hospitals In Burundi: A Case Of Kira Hospital, Bujumbura
A typical healthcare supply chain is a complex network consisting of many different parties at various stages of the value chain. The increase in health expenditure all over the world as countries seek to implement universal health care complicates the situation further. The recent trends in efficient distribution, such as just-in-time deliveries and reductions in the amount of inventory held,

Jackson Ndolo
School Of Business And Economics, Mount Kenya University, General Kargo Road, 342-01000, Thika, Kenya
Influence Of Supply Chain Risk Management Strategies On Performance Of Manufacturing Firms In Burundi: Case Of Chez Mutoyi Cooperative
Supply Chain Management(SCM) has a record of huge successes as a tool that is highly competitive in the world organizations. Supply Chain stakeholders are often demanding for efficient and effective delivery of services. Due to the global free trade, business environment has been complex due to the risk aspects predominant in the world market and, particularly within supply chain. The

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