Healthy Living As A Collaborative Effort Involving Government And The Community: Case Study Of Gants Hill Community (uk)
Issues relating to the effects of alocholism, excessive smoking, obesity and excessive drinking to public health are again gainining more attention in public media domain in today's world. The most unique reasons for this are the financial costs to governments wallets and the fact that these effects are now identified as bringing young people's life to abrupt ends.To
Undeniable Correlation Between Homelessness, Addictions And Foreign Born Migrants With No Family Ties In A Locality: The Case Study Of An English Borough
This is a 4 -year study into the plight and case of homeless people in the heart of a London Borough UK. This study gives in-depth insight into the experience of homeless people in the community and the stigma of being homeless. It also attempts to highlight the various reasons why people become homeless as well as the various ways
Is Globalisation Or (ethical) Consumerism The Panacea For Today's Over- Consumerism / Materialism?
The world has truly become a global village but some of the menace in our society such as over-consumerism tend to continue to prevail with the number of both our youths and adults getting caught up in its web increasing each and every day. This is against the backdrop of WHO's definition of good health which requires an individual being
Provision Of Affordable Housing For The Masses In Urban Areas: A Must For Any Government (with The City Of London As A Case Study)
It is no myth and neither is it a legend that cities across the world are becoming congested and governments seem to be almost as clueless as everyone else when it comes to how best to tackle homelessness, poverty and all other vices associated with it. Most governments are now adopting systematic ways to get rid of the poor
Travelling To Work: The Correlation Between Journey To Work And Efficiency / Performance At Work In The Uk's Rail And Construction Sectors
Work/life balance is now one of the most talk - about topics in most sectors of the economy as workers are eager to know exactly where to draw the line and find time for quality time with their families. While this is important, it is also important for the HR departments of various sectors (especially those of railway and
Work Safe, Home Safe: The Perils Associated With The Journey Home And Its General Effects On The Health And Well – Being Of Uk’s Rail And Construction Workers
Most companies in the rail and construction industries are now aware of the issues such as work/life balance, corporate social responsibility, and safety issues. It is on these safety issues that the main aspect of this study anchors on. The study is meant to bring the industries' stakeholder awareness to the dangers posed to the life of workers
Symbiotic (mutualism) Growth Model: Us Trucking Industry's Favorite Growth Option For Smes In The Industry And Its Impacts On The Recruitment Of New Drivers
Some valid opinions in the US trucking industry noted the acute shortage of new truck drivers why others argued otherwise. However, the truth remains that the US trucking industry continues to be in need of more drivers however, despite all spent effort, this problem seems too stubborn to overcome. This leads to an in-depth look into the prevailing model
Life Of A Us Trucker: Keeping Others' Promises Despite Poor Remuneration And Broken Promises
To conclude that professional truckers in the USA are synonymous to the booming economy and the entrepreneurial spirit of the nation will be an understatement. This study takes a critical look into the pay / pay structure of professional truckers in the USA. The aim of the study is thus simply to identify the need for these professionals to be
Britain For Sale At A Massively Discounted Price: Implications Of Hyper-capitalism On The Working Class
This study is focused on the supposed impending danger of the elimination of the working class in the UK (especially in London) due to several reasons brought about by or aided by 'hyper-capitalism' that is recently been witnessed in the UK. For an economy to be said to be 'hyper' in nature; it means it is 'hyperactive' or unusually energetic,