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Bamidele G.
Department Of Statistics, Yaba College Of Technology, Yaba, Lagos
Logistic Regression Analysis Of Child Spacing On Infant Mortality By Migration Status In Lagos State
In this study, logistic regression is desirable because most of the variables involved are more of categorical/ polytomous variables than just interval variables. Categorical variables are such that have two (sometimes more than two categories and there is no intrinsic ordering to the categories. Polytomous takes multiple values for which no order exists between them. For example, religion is measured

Bamidele G.
Department Of Statistics, Yaba College Of Technology, Yaba, Lagos
Effect Of Migration On Infant Mortality Between Migrants And Non - Migrants In Lagos State
In this study, it was observed that among the reported infant mortality from sampled population, about 58.8% died between age 4 weeks and 52 weeks, while among the migrants and non- migrants, the proportions of infant dying between the same age range was 77.3% and 25% respectively. That is, the proportion of Post neonatal infant mortality among the three groups

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